FTC cracks down on Amazon “Review Hijacking” twisters

On Amazon, common elements for product variations like size, color, and styles are combined into what’s called Twisters. When used as intended it’s valuable for sellers and users. It allows users to quickly move through variants while most elements of the page remain the same. Sellers quickly realized that they could launch new products in … Read more

Express Files for Chapter 11: Private Equity, Shifting Retail Landscape, and Unfair Import Laws Blamed

abandoned mall store being eaten by the forest

Express was once the dominant force in mall shopping but now joins the growing list of mega-retailers filing for bankruptcy. The company cites several factors contributing to its downfall, including missteps in merchandising and the challenging retail landscape. Fingers are also being pointed at the role private equity played in Express’s decline and loopholes in … Read more

The Anatomy of Ecommerce Privacy Policies: A Guide Through the Maze of Data Collection

For online shopping, one complex key issue impacts almost everyone—data privacy. How websites collect, use, and protect customer data has become a burning question for consumers, lawmakers, and businesses alike. Privacy policies are the legal bedrock governing this complex landscape. Let’s dissect the anatomy of these policies, looking at regulations, best practices, and pitfalls. The … Read more

Klarna launches a transparency blog

Klarna Wikipink appears to be an effort to contrast credit card debt and delinquency with BNPL debt and delinquency. As BNPL faces more regulatory scrutiny it’s in Klarna’s best interest to paint traditional financing as predatory and show themselves as the better option. Klarna seems to be portraying themselves as the lessor of two evils … Read more

What should marketers know about C2PA?

an ai generated image of a robot painting fruit

C2PA (Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity) is a voluntary standard for verifying the authenticity and provenance of digital content like images and videos. In the digital age, the authenticity of content has become a pressing concern for marketers worldwide. The introduction of the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) standard represents a significant … Read more